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Windows XP problem



Windows XP Stops Responding at the Welcome Screen


A known fault in XP can give rise to this and it is unfortunate that Microsoft has chosen a dramatic message which puts users off from taking an easy step to resolve the problem.


You turn on your computer and the following message appears:


The last attempt to restart the system from a previous location failed.

Attempt to restart again ?


You're faced with two choices:

Continue with system restart ?


Delete restoration data and proceed to boot menu ?


In our experience, users are reluctant to take the "Delete restoration data ..." choice because of worries at possibly losing their data. Microsoft's choice of words is unfortunate and wastes users time and/or causes them to call in a computer engineer. The simple answer is choose:

        [Delete restoration data and proceed to boot menu]


The problem stems from a corruption occurring when the pc went into hibernation mode and thereby shutting down. You can turn off Hibernation Mode if this problem re-occurs by going to Control Panel, Power Options, Hibernate



see: Microsoft Knowledge Base about this error:

see:Microsoft for details using Hibernation: